World’s most admired company, CJ Logistics is actively involved in global standard CRS and CSV activities.


Social Contribution Promotion System

As per the Company’s strategies for job creation, win-win with local communities and eco-friendly policies aimed at shared growth and sustainable management driving win-win, CJ Logistics engages in social contribution activities that are properly structured to measure positive/negative impact the Company’s business operation has on the local communities based on which to reinforce positive impact and mitigate the negative one. Major risks arising from the local community and social contribution activities are reported to the Board of Directors for approval/review.

Theme Contents
Leading Green Logistics Realization of Green Logistics by Expanding Environmentally Friendly Social Contribution Activities
Building A System For Win-win Growth Strengthening social responsibility through the establishment of a community safety net
Spreading the Volunteer Culture Establishing a Culture of Voluntary Employee Participation and Creating Social Value
Job Creation for the Vulnerable Class

CJ Logistics takes social issues such as poverty among the elderly seriously and subsequently makes efforts to expand engaging opportunities as well as create jobs for the elderly, women with interrupted career and the disabled who are all vulnerable class.
Delivery workers aged over 60 deliver parcels in delivery hubs in apartment compounds to final destinations via eco-friendly electric carts. By creating jobs for the elderly and providing improved delivery service to consumers through this business model, we strive to share growth between the Company and the communities where we belong. Silver Parcel Delivery, which we launched in 2013, created 1,400 jobs for the elderly since then. Recently, the Company diversified this business model by introducing Blue Parcel Delivery aimed at creating jobs for the disabled with auditory disorder in Jul. 2020 and Orange Parcel Delivery targeting job creation for career-interrupted women.

Environmental Campaign: EarthCare Togethe

With EarthCare Together, we truly care about our climate-threatened planet. This environmental campaign consists of three activities.

Environmental Campaign: EarthCare Togethe
Program Activity
Donating food packages from Special Disaster Areas We purchased "shared growth packages" comprised of products produced in 13 Special Disaster Areas affected by flooding and donated them to 200 climate-vulnerable families in Seoul.
Environmental cleanup challenge in our surroundings We cleaned up the environment near our operations nationwide using the Ita Seoul Plogging app.
Donating used items to the Goodwill Store We collected used items from homes and businesses and delivered them to the Goodwill Store, thereby contributing to job creation for people with disabilities and resource cycling.
Environmental Campaign Environmental Campaign
Activities for Local Win-Win

The Company installed ‘Yellow Footprints’ in 30 crosswalks in school zones where daycare centers and elementary schools are located in Gunpo. This is to help children maintain safe distance when waiting for red lights in crosswalks to turn green and develop a safe behavior, thereby prevent traffic accidents. For elementary school students in lower grades, CJ Logistics handed out 1,000 ‘safe schoolbag cover’, which is an item safe commute to and from school.
CJ Logistics distributed portable sterilizers, hand sanitizers and other quarantine items to senior centers in Yiwon-myeon together with Yiwon Young Adult Group to prevent COVID19 and create a safer living environment for those in need of better health. The Company went further by engaging in the warmhearted donation activities for residents in Goryeong-gun who are fighting cold in the winter season.

Faced with the persisting COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent shortage of blood, CJ Logistics encouraged blood donation to executives and employees out of whom roughly 400 reached out and donated blood donation certificates to Korea Leukemia and Childhood Cancer Association. Aside from this, the Company encourages all members to join in the volunteering activities for blood donation every month to help leukemia and childhood cancer patients in need of blood. CJ Logistics has been delivering 1,000 goods used in Salvation Army’s fundraising for charity to more than 300 Salvation Army stores for free over the last ten years. In recognition of delivering Salvation Army’s bell of hope every end of the year, the Company was presented with plaque of appreciation from the Salvation Army.

Activities for Local Win-Win Activities for Local Win-Win
Green Delivery Plus Program for Small Businesses

As part of our commitment to alleviating the financial burden on small businesses and advocating for green logistics, we launched the "Green Delivery Plus" program in partnership with the Korea Federation of Micro Enterprises and the Community Chest of Korea. Through this initiative, we selected 30 small businesses impacted by the economic recession and provided them with training to enhance their logistics capabilities. To promote sustainable packaging practices, we developed one-touch boxes that use 50% less packing tape, along with recyclable paper buffer materials and packing tapes. These green packaging materials were provided to the selected businesses to help them transition to more sustainable packaging solutions and minimize waste. Additionally, we subsidized a portion of their shipping costs, thereby reducing their logistics expenses and helping them achieve financial and operational stability. At the conclusion of the project, we conducted a satisfaction survey among the participants, which yielded a rating of 4.85 out of 5 points.

Green Delivery Plus Program for Small Businesses Green Delivery Plus Program for Small Businesses

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