World’s most admired company, CJ Logistics is actively involved in global standard CRS and CSV activities.


Realization eco-friendly logistics at the global TOP level

Efforts to solve various environmental problems such as climate change and biodiversity conservation are also affecting business activities of companies. In particular, as strengthening indirect emission management outside the company becomes an issue, reducing the environmental impact at the logistics and delivery level is required. The transition to eco-friendly logistics is essential as a future growth engine for CJ Logistics. Accordingly, CJ Logistics has selected green logistics as a major issue and is making efforts to respond preemptively.

Environmental Management Policy

At CJ Logistics, we are committed to environmental stewardship. We have implemented environmental management policies for our logistics and construction business, designed to ensure the highest level of environmental protection at work and encourage all employees, including those of our partner companies, to take responsibility and practice environmental management.

<Environmental Management Policy>

  • Scope: All CJ Logistics operations, partner companies, joint ventures, and other business partners.
  • Organizational: The ESG Committee under the Board of Directors is responsible for final deliberation, resolution, and decision-making.
  • Key Elements
    • Greenhouse gas, energy, pollutants: Implement mitigation measures, monitor operations, and strive to improve workplace environments.
    • Logistics and services: Minimize environmental impact during the provision of services and develop sustainable green logistics services based on TES.
    • Waste management: Comply with environmental laws and regulations, sort and store waste in accordance with management standards, use duly authorized services for waste treatment and disposal, and establish a waste resource circulation model.
    • Identify and assess potential risks associated with non-compliance with environmental laws and standards.
    • EHS system development and operation: Monitor and detect environmental pollution in real-time 24/7 with the CJ Logistics Safety and Environment Management System (LOIS EHS) and a corporate-wide smart EHS system.


  • Comply with environmental regulations and agreements to minimize pollutant emissions for sustainable green logistics.
  • Recognize the importance of responding to climate change and contribute to carbon neutrality through greenhouse gas reduction activities.
  • Minimize waste from logistics activities and convert waste into high value-added resources to facilitate resource recycling.
  • Raise employee awareness and participation in environmental management through training.
  • Communicate environmental management policies to customers, employees and stakeholders in a transparent manner and strive for improvement.


  • Pursue advanced environmental management by establishing and applying an environmental management system.
  • Prevent environmental risks in construction: Comply with laws and regulations related to the construction environment and eliminate potential environmental risks.
  • Green corporate image: Position ourselves as a green company based on integrity and trust.
  • Green construction and resort management: Practice environmentally-friendly construction and resort management based on the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle).
Environmental management promotion system

CJ Logistics is striving to establish a sustainable environmental management system by carrying out various strategic tasks in consideration of the global logistics business as well as the proactive elimination of potential environmental risks. The construction sector recognizes the environmental impact of construction activities in all sectors of the construction industry, including design, construction, project management, and service, and does its best to manage environmentally friendly projects such as conducting environmental impact assessments and managing pollution factors.
We organize and operate an organization dedicated to environmental management for environmental executives, safety and environmental team of the headquarters, and environmental personnel of each workplace. Through this, we systematically and preemptively integrate and manage environmental issues throughout the company.

Environmental Management Framework

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Environmental management system certification

Since 2010, CJ Logistics has expanded the scope of environmental management system ISO14001:2015 certification to the entire company. The construction division obtained environmental management system certification in 2001 for construction and additional services for civil engineering, architecture, housing, electricity, industrial and environmental facilities, fire fighting works, and information and communication works. In order to achieve environmental goals, we continue to make improvements, strengthen management capabilities through job training of each manager of each site to substantialize environmental management system and internal examinant candidate training for in-house inspection, and make effort for environmental management system execution improvement of the business sites. We will continue to actively respond to various environmental risks by establishing environmental risk management strategies and further upgrading our environmental management system.

ISO 14001 Certificate
(logistics/construction sector)
Eco-friendly Golf Course
Environment Training

CJ Logistics is putting priority on environmental training for all employees and suppliers based on environmental guidelines. In 2022, 6,061 employees participated in 'climate change and company's sustainability' training for one hour and 30 ESG working-level consultative bodies participated in 'Raising awareness and necessity of reducing environmental influence' training for on hour and and will continue to manage it in the future.

Basic environmental education in 2023
Basic environmental education in 2023
Course The 7th Working Group The 10th Working Group The 11th Working Group The 12th Working Group
Topic 2023 ESG trends and insights ESG trends and industrial response at home and abroad - Division-specific sustainable management report briefing in 2023
- Human rights management final reporting in 2023
Examples of Carbon reduction activities in the Logistics industry
Audience Team leaders and working-level employees from relevant departments (37 people) Team leaders and working-level employees from relevant departments (50 people) Team leaders and working-level employees from relevant departments (50 people) Team leaders and working-level employees from relevant departments (50 people)
Date Feb 27 2023 Aug 29 2023 Oct 31 2023 Dec 21 2023
Time 1 hour per person 1 hour per person 1 hour per person 1 hour per person
Mode Off-the-job Off-the-job Off-the-job Off-the-job
Advanced environmental education in 2023
Advanced environmental education in 2023
Course Managing operations discharging industrial waste The 8th Working Group The 9th Working Group
Topic Changes in inspections and contract management through waste management monitoring Stricter regulations under the amended Waste Management Act and trends in resource cycling Division-specific ESG status, use of green materials, new green packaging materials development, green packaging and buffer materials sourcing
Audience Working-level employees (10 people) Team leaders and working-level employees from relevant departments (45 people) Team leaders and working-level employees from relevant departments (36 people)
Date Oct 19 2023 Apr 24 2023 Jun 28 2023
Time 13:00 - 17:00
(including on-site monitoring)
1 hour per person 1 hour per person
Mode Off-the-job Off-the-job Off-the-job
Advanced environmental education in 2023

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