CJ Logistics 'The Global SCM Innovator' presents the latest news and various stories.
In 2024, CJ Logistics took significant steps toward establishing itself as a leading SCM solutions provider in the global logistics market, driven by innovative technologies. Let’s explore the company’s major achievements through five key trends. 01. AUTOMATION CJ Logistics is continuously advancing logistics innovation. In...
In the logistics industry, safety management is a fundamental priority, and CJ Logistics continuously fosters employees' safety awareness through ongoing innovation and improvements. In June 2023, CJ Logistics unveiled a Safety Experience Center within the Mega Hub Gonjiam, Korea's largest logistics hub. Spanning 230 square meters, this ...
When receiving a delivered item, encountering a poorly packaged box naturally raises concerns about potential damage to the contents. CJ Logistics, constantly striving for innovative packaging solutions for safe delivery, puts in great effort to ensure the protection of customers' valuable goods. A Dedicated Space for Packaging: The &...
If you run an eCommerce business, you’re likely familiar with a multitude of logistics terms used in daily operations. Among them, you’ve probably heard the term “fulfillment” at least once. Let us walk you through CJ Logistics' eCommerce logistics processes and provide useful information to help your business. Under...
Did you know that South Korea ranks second in the world for coffee consumption? With an average of 405 cups of coffee consumed per person each year, Starbucks stands at the heart of this coffee culture. CJ Logistics plays a crucial role in this, swiftly delivering fresh coffee to 1,937 Starbucks stores across the nation daily. Today, we’d ...
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