Business Explore CJ Logistics’ Innovative Beauty & Fashion Logistics Solutions - with Advanced Automation and Specialized Return Systems!
2023. 07. 11

CJ Logistics is at the forefront of logistics with its expansive logistics infrastructure, highly optimized network services, and customized solutions. In addition to boasting impressive partnerships in sectors such as CPG, Retail, pharmaceuticals, F&B, and e-Commerce, they also made a name for themselves in the realm of Fashion & Beauty logistics. This market in particular benefits from CJ Logistics' advanced automation systems, specialized return systems, and customized distribution processes.

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Efficient logistics are crucial to many industries, an example being Fashion and Beauty, which relate to a wide variety of products, such as clothing, accessories, and cosmetics. Logistics in Fashion and Beauty involves the management of the entire distribution process, including inbound, inspection, storage, and packaging of goods. Due to the industry's unique characteristics, it must tackle returns and distribution processing tasks while managing a diverse product range in line with rapidly evolving trends. In recent years, more emphasis has been placed on enhancing the logistical experience for target audiences, leading to a more in-depth analysis of generation MZ purchase habits. CJ Logistics provides specialized services for Fashion & Beauty logistics based on advanced logistics facilities, infrastructure, and IT technology that prioritize the behavior of millennials and members of Gen Z. 

Embrace Variety with CJ Logistics’ Cutting-edge Automated Center


CJ Logistics’ Fashion & Beauty services provide customized logistics operation solutions for a variety of products ranging from small individual items to larger clothing. Automated logistics centers carry out the entire logistics process- from inbound, inventory management, sorting, distribution processing, picking, packaging, inspection, release, and delivery. Leveraging an integrated logistics solution that manages both B2B (inter-store logistics) and B2C (individual delivery logistics), CJ Logistic capitalizes on both operational efficiency and productivity.

Tailored to Your Needs with Individual Customer References! Custom Distribution Processing

In the Fashion & Beauty logistics industry, additional processing tasks, such as attaching customized product labels, are an integral part of the distribution process. CJ Logistics, recognized for its broad customer base in industries such as sports, men's clothing, and shoes, provides comprehensive logistics services that are optimized for each distribution stage. An example of this is the Icheon Lacoste Center’s process of attaching quality assurance certificates and price tags to imported products. Catering to sports goods manufacturers, the Mizuno Center manages distribution processing, including the attachment of unique number labels to each golf club.

For the release of Crocs, a must-have item in summer, the Baekam Crocs Center attached labels for each branch of five department stores and during the polybag packaging distribution processing. In a move to enhance customer satisfaction, Aesop Korea adds a unique touch, by spraying perfume on B2C products before packaging them for release. Additionally, during the Chuseok season, they conduct specialized distribution processing work for customers, such as traditional Korean-style cloth wrapping.

Elevating Customer Satisfaction Through Expert Return Services

Fashion and beauty logistics are set apart from other industries due to the many customer preferences, trends, and sizes. Because of this, managing returns in a way that significantly impacts potential resale opportunities requires a team of dedicated specialists. CJ Logistics’ specialized return service enhances customer satisfaction and increases resale opportunities through its reduced lead times. CJ Logistics’ Yangji Logistics Center uses its return-handling infrastructure to employ a dedicated team of experts who thoroughly inspect and process customer returns.


CJ Logistics strives to provide tailored solutions for complex and demanding Contract Logistics challenges specific to each industry. We invite you to accompany us on our journey to provide innovation and dedication to the Fashion & Beauty logistics arena.

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