World’s most admired company, CJ Logistics is actively involved in global standard CRS and CSV activities.


Ecosystem Protection

We conduct surveys to assess the potential impact of our operations on the surrounding biodiversity and take measures to minimize adverse effects. Haesley Nine Bridges and Club Nine Bridges, golf courses managed by our resort business division, were meticulously designed and constructed to minimize disturbance to the natural environment while capitalizing on the original topography. In addressing environmental concerns, particularly heavy fertilization requirements for bentgrass planted in Haesley Nine Bridges and Jeju Nine Bridges, we have transitioned to environmentally-friendly fertilizers and implemented a system to prevent pollution of surrounding soil and rivers. These environmentally-friendly golf courses showcase our commitment to environmental stewardship, serving as habitats for various species including eagle-owls (designated as a Natural Monument in Korea), Eurasian buzzards, kestrels, and snakehead mullets (Level 2 Endangered Species).
Furthermore, we have earned certification from the GEO* Foundation for Sustainable Golf, making us the first in Korea to be recognized for water resource management, pollution prevention, energy efficiency, supply chain sustainability, and community engagement. To protect biodiversity, we adhere to legal requirements in each country and region, particularly in areas covered by international agreements such as World Heritage sites and IUCN Category I-IV protected areas. We utilize the ENCORE methodology to identify and assess risks.
Moving forward, we will remain dedicated to protecting the environment across our operations to uphold biodiversity.

GEO(Golf Environment Organization) : The globally-renowned eco-friendly certification organization that certifies eco-friendly golf courses after assessing sustainability and environmental friendliness of golf courses around the world, gives advisory services and operational support to make international golf competitions an eco-friendly one.

Biodiversity of Haesley & Nine Bridges
(55 species)
Mole, hare, racoon,
elk, rodents, wildcat, etc.
Parrotbill, titmouse, yellowthroated bunting,
flycatcher, rufous turtle dove, hoopoe, etc.
Gammaridea, ephemerellidae,
Green frog, redbellied frog,
ranid, mountain grass lizard, etc.
Pine tree, oak tree, ginkgo, birch, metasequoia, thuja,
pin oak, zelkova, pear tree, maple tree, amur maple,
dogwood, fragrant snowbell, cornel, quince, apricot tree,
magnolia, sweetbrier, royal azalea, azalea, hydrangea,
winged euonymus, leather-leaf viburnum, golden-wave,
cornflower, blazing star, gentiana, shiny mint, catchfly,
bellflower, deodeok, orange stonecrop, bush clover, rhododendron
Nine Bridge
(96 species)
Mole, hare, racoon,
elk, rodents, etc.
Parrotbill, titmouse, yellowthroated bunting,
flycatcher, rufous turtle dove, etc.
Gammaridea, ephemerellidae,
Green frog, redbellied frog,
ranid, mountain grass lizard, etc.
Pine tree, oak tree, ginkgo, birch, metasequoia, thuja,
pin oak, zelkova, pear tree, maple tree, amur maple,
dogwood, fragrant snowbell, cornel, quince, apricot tree,
magnolia, sweetbrier, royal azalea, azalea, hydrangea,
winged euonymus, leather-leaf viburnum, golden-wave,
cornflower, blazing star, gentiana, shiny mint, catchfly,
bellflower, deodeok, orange stonecrop, bush clover, rhododendron
Efforts to Ban Forest Destruction

CJ Logistics will continue its efforts to preserve planet earth with the goal to protect all living organisms living in forests. Taking actions to prevent deforestation and reducing industrial wastes are just a few of the efforts the Company is putting in towards this end. CJ Logistics is committed to building a healthy natural ecosystem near its business sites and the local communities. There is also a plan to monitor and supervise primary and secondary suppliers in their efforts towards prohibiting deforestation. As described, the Company will not build business sites that destroy forests and keep up the efforts to expand the value of environmental protection through forest creation and afforestation.

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